NOVIPRO Awarded Manufacturing Growth Partner of the Year by Infor

TrendMiner: A self-service industrial analytics tool

Better, Faster Root Cause Analysis for the Food & Beverage Industry with TrendMiner Self-Service Analytics

Food & Beverage 4.0: Fitting the Pieces of the Process Puzzle Together

How the Water & Wastewater Industry Can Use Self-Service Industrial Analytics to Improve Its Treatment Processes

Advanced Process Analytics for Oil & Gas Upstream

Optimize your business processes with IoT and advanced analytics

Digital transformation: bring your data to life with the NOVIPRO LAB

IT Trends in the Manufacturing Sector: Technologies lagging despite tough competition

What’s ahead for manufacturing in 2020: Head into the year with 20/20 Vision

OT Security and Business Continuity

How to Sell the Value of the IoT in Your Organization

Top reasons to choose Cumulocity IoT

CUMULOCITY IoT : Rapid. Open. Secure.

REVOLUTION 4.0: shift into high speed!

Manufacturing success in the age of configuration

Evaluating Software-Defined Infrastructure Providers for Your SAP Implementation